Напишите предложение с сокращенной и отрицательной формами глаголов.

1. We are a big family.

2. He is a good student.

3. He is a swimmer.

4. My parents are doctors, and my aunt is a teacher.

5. You are a nice person.

6. It is a beautiful picture. We are happy to have it.

7. I am good at writing, and my sister is good at drawing.

8. She is a singer. Her song is very beautiful.

9. It is cold today. We are going to school on the bus.

10. They are very happy. They have a big family.

Выберите правильный вариант. Переведите на русский язык.

1. They isn’t/aren’t doctors. They are/is teachers.
2. I am/is a student. I go to school by bus. The bus stop is/are not far from our home.
3. I am/is sure that you is/are wrong. They are not/is not liars.
4. She are/is proud of you. You is/are a worker.
5. It is/am getting cold. You sweater are/is in your backpack.


Ответ дал: nikitinarita994

1)1. We aren`t a big family.

2. He isn`t a good student.

3. He isn`t a swimmer.

4. My parents aren`t doctors, and my aunt isn`t a teacher.

5. You aren`t a nice person.

6. It isn`t a beautiful picture. We aren`t happy to have it.

7. I am not good at writing, and my sister isn`t good at drawing.

8. She isn`t a singer. Her song isn`t very beautiful.

9. It isn`t cold today. We aren`t going to school on the bus.

10. They aren`t very happy. They haven`t a big family.

2)1. They aren’t doctors. They are teachers.  - Они не доктора. Они учителя.

2. I am a student. I go to school by bus. The bus stop is not far from our home.  - Я ученик. Я езжу в школу на автобусе. Автобус останавливается далеко от нашего дома.

3. I am sure that you are wrong. They are not not liars.  - Я уверен, вы ошибаетесь. Они не лгуны.

4. She is proud of you. You are a worker.  - она гордиться вами.Вы рабочий.

5. It is getting cold. You sweater is in your backpack. - Холодно. Вы (ваш, наверное) свитер в вашем рюкзаке.

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