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Dear dairy,
I went to Loch Ness today for a picnik by the lake. It was a beautiful day and the sun was shining.
I was sitting next to the lake enjoying my lunch when suddenly I heard a strange and saw the water on the lake begin to move.
Then, I saw a shake-like head popped out of the water.
I couldnt belive my eyes. I turned arond to see if I had packed my camera in my back to get a picture of it.
But when I turned to snap a photo, tke creature had disappeared. Not evev a lipple appeared on the water
As quickly as at all began, it was over.


Ответ дал: loveandsweeties68
I sat on the shore of lake Lohnes. And suddenly I noticed a stir in the water. I didn't pay attention at first, but then someone's head came out of the water. I got scared and ran away

loveandsweeties68: Это краткая форма. прости если плохо помогла
dashai2003: нет, хорошо, спасиьо!)
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