Ребятушки, помогите ,пожалуйста
Задали написать сочинение-рассказ по этим картинкам .
Если у вас есть какие -нибудь идеи , напишите !)
Это срочно !



Ответ дал: YoutSonbe
Lola was walking through the old park. It was her daily way home. Young woman was thinking about how could she spend her weekend. Thatswhy at first Lola didn't notice a bright light. Only when she heard a loud noises behind her back, girl felt like ice sculpture and almost fainted. Right in front of her was sitting a huge green dragon. He stared at Lola carefully , but without interest. Girl was going to shout out loud, but the vision finished as suddenly as appeared. Young woman realised that she was standing in the middle of flower bed with such a stupid face. Lola quckly recovered and continued her way home.
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