помогите срочно!!!! Fill in the blanks with the following words and word-combinations: Fly; modest; cut out; rather than; startled; wonder; afford; overloading; turned; come to; follow; don't mind. I think I_________________a little pale. younger. Why don't you____________________my example? I knew I could not_____________________caviare. A_______________luncheon should not cost more than fifteen I____________if they have any salmon. If I _______________ coffee for the next two weeks, I could manage well enough. I was_______________when the menu was brought. I wondered what the bill would___________________________ . 10. Her appearance was imposing_______________________attractive. 11. I don't believe in____________________my stomach. 12. If you insist, I___________________having some asparagus.


karina4176: я умомяю вас, помогите!!!!!!!


Ответ дал: YoutSonbe
1. turned
2. follow
3. afford
4. overloading
5. wonder
6. cut out
7. startled
8. fly
9. rather than
10. ???
11. don't mind
сори, но десятое нивкакую
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