помогите дописать "хвостики" срочно.
1. This palace was built in the 16th centry, ___
2.her son often rides a horse in the country, ___
3.The waiters were not polie, ___
4.Tou prefer seafood, ___
5.The students don`t speak French, ___
6.She can`t play the violin, ___
7. They can see the mountains from the window, ___
8.Your boyfriend doesn`t earn much, ___
9.We must talk to our neighbord, ___
10. The train nust not arrive late, ___


Ответ дал: nunny

1. This palace was built in the 16th centry, wasn't it?___

2.her son often rides a horse in the country, doesn't he?___

3.The waiters were not polie, were they?___

4.You prefer seafood, don't you?___

5.The students don`t speak French, do they?___

6.She can`t play the violin, can she?___

7. They can see the mountains from the window, can't they?___

8.Your boyfriend doesn`t earn much, does he?___

9.We must talk to our neighbours, musn't we?___

10. The train must not arrive late, must it?

Ответ дал: ulyanaa21
1 was not it?
2 does not he?
3 were they?
4 do not you?
5 do they?
6can she?
7can’t they?
8 does he?
9 must not we?
10 must it?
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