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1. Hinemoa was a beautiful daughter of a native chief who lived near a great lake in New Zealand. 2. One day Hinemoa's father gave a great feast. 3. Tutanekai was the most handsome man and the bravest warrior. 4. Tutanekai's flute told Hinemoa about his great love. 5. Hinemoa found Tutanekai and became his wife.


Ответ дал: Juliyasha11


1. Was Hinemoa a beautiful daughter of a native chief who lived near a great lake in New Zealand? 2. Did Hinemoa’s father give a great feast one day?. 3. Was Tutanekai the most handsome man and the bravest warrior? 4 Did Tutanekai's flute tell Hinemoa about his great love? 5.Did Hinemoa find Tutanekai and became his wife?


1. Whose daughter was Hinemoa who lived near a great lake in New Zealand?Where did Hinemoa live? 2. What did Hinemoa’s father give one day? When did Hinemoa give a great feast? 3. Who was Tutanekai? 4 What did Tutanekai's flute tell Hinemoa about ? Whose flute told Hinemoa about his great love? 5.Whom did Hinemoa find? Whose wife did Hinemoa become?

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