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Ответ дал: Gumi09
1. Has Mary a pen? We have good teacher at our college.Sometimes I go to take books to the library.There are many animals in the forest.

2. 1.is. 2.was. 3.are not. 4. will no. 5. was not,was. 6.is 7.am

3.1.mine, my 2.ours. 3.your 4.her, their 5.our, your

Jehervs: Спасибо огромное
Ответ дал: DaryaCat007
1. Has Mary a pen
2. Have we good teacher at our college
3. Sometimes, i go to the library to take books
4. Thehre are many animals in the forest

1.How old IS Mary
2. Yesterday il WAS monday
3. The children ARE not ready for school
4. Thehre IS no sunshine tomorrow
5. Kate WAS not at school yesterday. She WAS ill
6. There ARE a table and chairs in the room
7. I AM thirteens years old soon

1. My, mine
2. Ours
3. Your
4. Her, theirs
5. Our, yours
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