Выберите правильный вариант: Whose или Who’s
1. ….. voice is that?
2. ….. not here today?
3. ….. your new English teacher?
4. ….. in the classroom?
5. ….. father is a lawyer?
6. Do you know ….. car that is?
7. ….. laptop is this? Is it yours, Tom?

Переведите предложения на английский язык
1. Кто взял мои деньги?
2. Кто твой любимый учитель в школе?
3. Кто разбил окно?
4. Кто президент США?
5. Чей паспорт был украден?
6. Кто твой лучший друг?
7. Это чей дом?

Вставьте нужный вариант: Whose — Who’s
1. I have got a cousin _________ been to almost all continents.
2. _________ car is parked outside?
3. I am going to buy an apartment. With _________ money?
4. Do you know anybody _________ going to Canada?
5. For _________ benefit was this done?
6. _________ design do you think looks the best?
7. I know a boy _________ father serves in the army.


Ответ дал: Dracon4
Перевод 1. Who took my money?
2. Who's your favorite teacher at school?
3. Who broke the window?
4. Who is the President of the United States?
5. Whose passport was stolen?
6. Who's your best friend?
7. Whose house is that?
Ответ дал: guls17
1. whose
5. whose
7 whose
1. Who's took my money?
2 who's your favorite teacher?
3.Who's broke the window?
4 who's the president of the USA?
5. Whose pasport was stolen?
6.who's your best friend?
7. whose house is this?
1. Who's
2. whose
3. whose
5. whose
6. whose
7. Who's
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