помогите составить монолог
1)My usual working day starts...
2)I get up at...
3)It takes me...
4)My classes start at...
5)We usually have...lessons a day.
6)At...o'clock our classes are over.
7)I come back home at...
8)At home i...
9)If i have time,i...
10)I go to bed at...


Ответ дал: MaryFairy211

My usual working day starts quite early.

I get up at 7 o'clock, do my morning exercises, have a wash and have breakfast. After that I go to my school.

It takes me 15 minutes to walk to school.

My classes start at half past eight (8.30).

We usually have six lessons a day.

At two o'clock our classes are over, and then I go to the library or wait for my friends to go home together.

I come back home at half past two.

At home I have lunch, wash the dishes and spend about an hour watching TV or playing games on my phone. At about 4 o'clock I start doing my homework.

It usually takes me about an hour and a half to do it. After that I help my mum to cook dinner. Our family usually has dinner at 7 o'clock and than I go for a walk with my friends.

When I come home, I have a glass of kefir and take a shower.

I go to bed at a quarter to ten.

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