осыны жасауға көмектесініздерші,ертеңге керек



Ответ дал: noname5830
1. has been made
2.hasn't been done
3.haven't been stood
4.has been cleaned
5.has been taken

1. Has mum been worn a dress?
2.Have the cats been sleeped?
3. Has the boy been watched TV?
4. Have the children been listened to music?
5. Has the girl been worked?
Ответ дал: brain165
3.1)Mum is making dinner.
2)The boy isn’t doing the ironing.
3)The cats aren’t standing on the chair.
4)The girl is cleaning the floor.
5)Dad is taking the dog for a walk.

4.1)Is mum wearing a dress?
2)Are the cats sleeping?
3)Is the boy watching TV?
4)Are the children listening to music?
5)Is the girl working?
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