Умоляю помогите!!!
1. Put the verbs into the necessary form:
1) My father (to work) at the machine-building plant.
2) I (to be) very busy yesterday.
3) He (to give) me some instruments yesterday.
4) Nick (to enter) the Automechanical college next year.
5) If I (to have) time. I will go to the theatre.
6) You (to see) her on Sunday


Ответ дал: deapandleap

1) My father works at the machine-building plant.

2) I was very busy yesterday.

3) He gave me some instruments yesterday.

4) Nick enters the Automechanical college next year.

5) If I have time I will go to the theatre.

6) You saw her on Sunday.

Ответ дал: Valentnost
1. Works
4. is going to enter
5.would have
6. are going to see
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