В том месте, где оно вам нужно, введите соответствующие точки вместо точек. 1:What colour is ..... floor in your room? 2:Write ...... question on ..... blackboard,please. 3:Please open .... window. 4:Please close .... door. 5:Are you writing ..... new words? 6:Is he giving you ..... you ..... piece of ..... chalk? 7:Where's ..... chalk? 8:Where's ..... Room Six? 9: ..... exercise-book is on ..... table.


Ответ дал: StasySun
1: What color the floor in your room? 2: Write question on Board, please. 3: please open the door and window. 4: please close door. 5: you write new words? 6: he gives you you slice. Mel? 7: where Mel? 8: where Number Six? 9:What exercises are books on table.

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