1 (G) stop / I / smoking
2 (PP) I / Andrew / tonight / see
3 (G) rain / it
4 (G) marry / Peter / his boss
5 (W) exams /
his / pass / Oliver
6 (W) like/ this / you / film(+)
7 (SP) arrive / the bus from London / what time
8 (PP) I /tomorrow / the car /use
9 (G) steak / I / cook / this evening
10 (G) how / travel / to ireland / you
11 (W, SP) I / phone you / when / get home /
I (+)
12 (PP) you /on Saturday / work (?)
13 (W) need / you / for the
night/room/a (?)
14 (G) write / you / to your father
15 (W) we / enough / for a good holiday / money/have
16 (W) key find /the /I/ where
17 (W, SP) you / to university / after / leave school / you /go
18 (PP) stay with us / next week / John and Sylvia
19 (G) you / when /
have a haircut(?)
20 (G) get up / soon / you
(G)-going to
(PP)-present progressive
(SP)-simple present


Ответ дал: Drdrdr129

I stop smoking

I see Andrew tonight

It rain

Peter marry his boss

Oliver pass his exams

You like this film

What time the  bus from London arrive

I use the car tomorrow

I cook steak  this evening

How are you  travel to Ireland

I will phone you when I get home

Do you work on Saturday

Do you need a room for the night

Do you write to your father

We have enough money for a good holiday

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