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1. It’s too hot in here. I think......
a)I turn on air conditioning.
b) I am going to turn on air conditioning.
c)I will turn on air conditioning.
2. The conference........at 10 am.
a. will start
b. starts
c. is starting
3. Don’t worry about your presentation. I’m sure you.......the best.
a. will do
b. are doing
c. are going to do
4. Our rival has gone out of business and we won three important contracts last two months. This year........great for us.
a. is
b. is going to be
c. will be
5. Our boss ....... to the IT Management conference in Berlin next Wednesday. Are you going, too?
a. is going to go
b. will go
c. is going
6. What time........your train depart?
a. will
b. is
c. does
7. I........our suppliers a call when 1 come back to the office after lunch.
a. am going to give
b. will give
c. give
8. I’m afraid, we ....... all the problems at this meeting, Jack is going to be away.
a. aren’t solving
b. aren’t going to solve
c. won’t solve
9. According to the horoscope, he ....... a fortune this week.
a. is getting
b. will get
c. gets
10. Perhaps the secretary......late today.
a. will be
b. is going to be
c. is


Ответ дал: alexeyzinchenko0001

1. b

2. a

3. c

4. b

5. b

6. c

7. b

8. c

9. b

10. a

I very hope that it is right!

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