WRITE THE SENTENCES IN THE PAST SIMPLE 1-The giraffe is very small. 2.-My cats aren't Chinese 3 Yolanda isn't your best friend. 4-julian and his sister are very intelligent. 5. The trees are very high. 6.-My English teacherisn't Scottish. 7.-Diana's parents are on holiday in Belgium. 8.-Those documentaries aren't interesting.

Аноним: М. Горький "На дне". 1 действие пьесы.
1. Где происходит действие пьесы?
2. Кто герой? Чем они занимаются (их профессия)?
3. Как складываются отношения Клеща и его жены Анны? Как к Анне относятся другие обитатели ночлежки?
4. Найдите спор Клеща и Пепла о совести. Кто прав?
5. Как складываются отношения хозяев ночлежки (Костылёва, Василисы) и её обитателей? Приведите примеры.
Аноним: Помогите пж


Ответ дал: YoonSeA

1. The giraffe was very small.

2. My cats weren't Chinese.

3. Yolanda wasn't your best friend.

4. Julian and his sister were very intelligent.

5. The trees were very high.

6. My English teacher wasn't Scottish.

7. Diana's parents were on a holiday in Belgium.

8. Those documentaries weren't interesting.

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