progress.test 3 Henry... for a walk every day.(go,goes,don't go). My friend and I ... computer games at weekends(play,plays,doesn't play). .... you do your morning exercises?(are,do,does). My mum... at school(doesn't works,don't work,doesn't work). .... your cousin go to the circus onSanday?(does,do,Is). We... home at 2o'clock(doens't come,don't come,comes). -Do her sisters go to school?-Yes,...(she do,they do,she does). Does Mike brush.. teeth in the evening?(my,het,his). I tidy my room... Saturday(in,on,at). Pam goes to bed... 10.30(in,on,at). we ride... bikes every day(our,their,its) Do you takea shower... the morning?(in,on,at). ...Masha wash the dishes?(do,does,Is). I don't do my homework...Friday evening(in,on,at). ... girls are my cousins(This,That,These). My mum... the house every day(tidies,tidy,tidys). My friends walk...dogs in the evening(they,their,my). Does Mr Green... up at 5o'clock?(gets,get,take). .... uncle cooks very well(Freds,Freds',Free's). - do you yave lunch?-At cshool(When,What,Where).люди добрые помогите пожалуйста(( .


Ответ дал: Vlad4nDSlav

1)Henry goes...

2)my friends and i play

3)do you do

4)my mom doesn`t work

5)does your cousin

6)we come

7)yes? they do

8) his teeth

9)on saturday

10)at 10.30

11)our bikes

12)in the morning

`13)does masha

14)on friday evening

15)this girls

16)my mom tidies

17)their dogs

18)get up

19)Fred`s uncle

20)where do you have

вроде неплохо)

влад2399: огромнейшее Вам спасибо)))
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