Заполни пропуски в тексте глаголами из списка. Глаголы: arrives, climbs, go, goes, leaves, picks, run, runs, sit, sits, wait, watches, chase, hits Lady Grey's cat, Pepper, .........the house. It ..........to the park. It ..........the birds in the park. Then, two dogs .........Pepper. Pepper ........away and ...........a tree. Pepper ...........in the tree. The dogs ..........under the tree. They ........for Pepper. Lady Grey ............ . She .............the dogs on the nose with her umbrella. The dogs ..........away. Lady Grey ...........Pepper up. They ...........home.


Ответ дал: IreneSplash

1 leaves

2 goes

3 watches

4 chase

5 runs

6 climbs

7 sits

8 sit

9 wait

10 arrives

11 hits

12 run

13 picks

14 go

poshgosh: Спасибо большое
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