Составить утвердительные,отрицательные и вопросительные предложения из слов,написанных на фрагментах папируса.
1) she /ten/?/is-
2)Owl the Wise/where/?/is-
3) the Lost Town ofJungle/?/is/where-
4)?/is/your name/what-
8)?/a/is/cow/it/black and white-
10) are /./parrots / my / these-
11)can*t/ penguins /./fly


Ответ дал: Матвей21221211
1) Is she ten?
1.Where is the Wise Owl?
2.Where is Owl the Wise?
(2-ой вариант, если "Owl the Wise" считается за имя/название)
3) Where is the Lost Town of Jungle?
4) What is your name?
5) Are they funny?
6) May I light the candle?
7) It is not a baboon.
8) Is it a black and white cow?
9) How old are you?
10) These are my parrots.
11) Penguins can not fly.
Ответ дал: fridddman
1.Is she ten?
2.Where is the wise Owl?
3.Where is the Lost Town ofJungle?
4.What is your name?
5.Are they funny?
6. May I light the candle
7. It isn't a baboon
8. Is it a black and white cow?
9.How old are you
10. these are my parrots.
11. penguins can't fly
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