Use the right words: tickets; play: film; to book; amusing; pop singer; prefer; horror films; actor; boring; was over; show; enjoyed; musical; superb; opinion; make up my mind. 1. What ... is on at the local cinema? Let’s book ... in advance. The... is new and very.... 3. Elvis Presley is a famous American ..., he had a lot of fans all over the world. 4. What kind of films do you ... ? — I like .... 5. What’s your ... about the play? — Oh, I ... it from beginning to end. 6. Who is you favourite ... ? — Laurence Olivier. His acting is .... 7. Did you like the TV programme yesterday? — No, it was s o .... 8. “My Fair Lady” is a very popular ... . 9. I can’t ... where to go out tonight. — Let’s go to the local club. 10. After the show ... we switched off the TV set. 11. I’d like ... two seats for tomorrow. 12. Can I still get tickets for tonight’s ... ?


Ответ дал: maymr

Good evening!

1. What film is on at the local cinema? Let’s book tickets in advance. The play is new and very amusing. 3. Elvis Presley is a famous American pop singer, he had a lot of fans all over the world. 4. What kind of films do you prefer? — I like horror films. 5. What’s your opinion about the play? — Oh, I enjoyed it from beginning to end. 6. Who is your favourite actor? — Laurence Olivier. His acting is superb. 7. Did you like the TV programme yesterday? — No, it was so boring. 8. “My Fair Lady” is a very popular musical. 9. I can’t make up my mind where to go out tonight. — Let’s go to the local club. 10. After the show was over we switched off the TV set. 11. I’d like to book two seats for tomorrow. 12. Can I still get tickets for tonight’s show?

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