помогитее плииз заранее спасибо большое помогитее помогитее плииз заранее спасибо большое помогитее помогитее плииз заранее спасибо большое помогитее помогитее плииз
True or False
1 Conradin's health was very poor.
2 The boy had a good relationship with his aunt.
3 The boy was not allowed to play in the
4 A lot of animals lived in the shed.
5 The ferret was a gift from Conradin's
6 The text is about a boy who uses his garden friend. imagination to escape from the real world



Ответ дал: irbisyonokk

1. True (was often ill)

2. False (The aunt did not liked Conradin and was often unkind to him. Conradin hated her with all his heart)

3. True (He was forbidden to play on the grass)

4. False (the were also two living things in the shed)

5. False (Conradin had bought the ferret)

6. True

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