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Ответ дал: Аноним
  1. was
  2. wasn't
  3. were
  4. were
  5. were
  6. were
  7. weren't
  8. was

Ответ дал: daaily

1)There *was* a piano on the stage;

2)Ethan's voice *wasn't* very loud;

3)We *were* excited about the concert;

4)Why *were* Anna and Kate tired?

5)*Were* you at home?

6)All our friends *were* in the audience;

7) Leo and Seb *weren't* at the concert.

8)What *was* the name of the play?

Употребляя was/ were, помните, что was употребляется с местоимениями I, he, she, it, а were - с местоимениями we, you, they.

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