Помогите плез
Choose the sentences which mean the same as the phrases in the left-hand column.
1. It's possible that Nick doesn't go to a private school any more.
a) Nick may not attend a private school now.
b) Nick can't attend a private school now.
2. It is not possible that the boys are six. They look much older.
a) The boys mauy not be six.
b) The boys can't be six.
3. I think I'll go out, but it's very unlikely.
a) I may go out.
b) I might go out.
4. I'm almost sure that moving to a new school is a very stressful experience.
a) Moving to a new school may be very stressful.
b) Moving to a new school might be very stressful.


Ответ дал: sayhellosmile17

1)а  (он не должен)

2)a (это невозможно что ему шесть)

3)b (я думаю)

4)b (это будет удачным)

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