Срочно! Перепиши слова в скобках в притяжательном падеже.
a) (i) room is small.
(you) horse is white
Those are (he) pencils.
That is (she) tail.
(they) garden is big.
These are (we) parents.
That is (they) room
(we) car is red.
b) (he) house is big
(we) room is small
These are (she) books
That is (i) pen
That is (it) house
(they) car is red.
Those are (we) flowers
That is (she) room
(they) children are clever


Ответ дал: BlackHood5137
a) my room is small
your house is white
those are his pencils
that is her tail
Their garden is big
these are our parents
that is their room
our car is red
b) his house is big
our room is small
these are her books
that is my pen
that is its house
their car is red
those are our flowers
that is her room
their children are clever
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