My hobby сочинение помогите пожалуйста мне


Ответ дал: Тима2006228
My name ..... . My hobby is football. It’s very interesting and funny. I’m good player. I’m the best of my friends. I usually play on the football field. It’s my hobby
Ответ дал: vangonda93
Когда у меня есть свободное время, я люблю заниматься многими вещами. Я люблю кататься на велосипеде, играть в футбол и читать. Я умею хорошо играть в футбол. Это мое любимое хобби. Обычно я играю с друзьями на школьном дворе. Я также катаюсь на велосипеде весной и летом.
When I have free time, I like to do many things. I like to ride a bicycle, to play football and to read. I can play football very well. It is my favourite hobby. I usually play it with friends in our schoolyard. I also ride a bike in spring and summer.

Аноним: Она девочка)))
vangonda93: Children can have different hobbies. Some children collect toys or postcards, some children like to read or play. My hobby is reading. I like to read books for children. I also like to go for walks in the park. I usually make pictures when I walk. Making photos is my hobby, too.
vangonda93: вот про танец сейчас напишу.
vangonda93: I always admire the people who can dance. Many years ago I chose dancing as my main hobby. And now it is my real passion, I can’t imagine my life without it.
vangonda93: Я всегда восхищаюсь людьми, умеющими танцевать. Много лет назад я выбрала танцы в качестве своего основного увлечения.
vangonda93: There is a popular belief that every girl should be able to dance. This point of view seems very correct to me, since plasticity and grace are the main components of female attractiveness.
vangonda93: Perhaps, these were exact thoughts of my mom when she first registered me for classes at a ballet school. I have excellent posture and stunning banner thanks to classes of classical dance. Today, I can easily do the splits virtually without training. I always really liked the art of Ballet, but the severity, which prevailed in the classroom in our dance class, stringent requirements for appearance and the way of life became eventually boring to me.
vangonda93: Dance classes bring me much joy and allow me to become more self-confident. In addition, it is a great way to afford pleasure to others. I can see how spectators` eyes sparkle with fun at our concerts as they clap loudly and vigorously and move with the beat of the dancing music. All this gives me reason to think that I chose a very proper and useful hobby.
vangonda93: Занятия танцами приносят мне много радости и позволяют стать более уверенной в себе. Кроме того, это прекрасный способ доставить удовольствие и другим людям. Я вижу, как весело блестят глаза зрителей на наших концертах, как они громко аплодируют и энергично пританцовывают в такт музыке. Все это дает мне повод думать, что я выбрала очень правильное и полезное хобби.
aruka7519: спосибо
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