1) They like animals. They … three dogs and two cats. a) to have b) has c) have 2) There … a blue chair at the door. a) to be b) is c) are 3) I like…cats. a) an b) the c) a d) - 4) Where’s Simon? … is in the kitchen. a) She b) I c) He d) We 5) Helen has a brother. He … a student. a) am b) is c) are 6) They ate some … . a) tomato b) tomatos c) tomatoes 7) Where is the book? It is ... the table. a) on b) in c) into 8) We did not want to stay ... town on such a hot day, so we went ... the country. a) in b) to c) along 9) Не bought a book … English poems and gave it to his sister. a) in b) on c) of 10) Honesty is … policy. a) the best b) better c) more better d) the better 11) … you speak any foreign language? a) May b) Can c) Must 12) Would you like … milk? a) some b) any c) no 13) … day was very hard. a) Mary’s b) Marys c) Marys’ 14) My computer … not work the second day. a) does b) do c) did d) will 15) We have too … money, I'm afraid. a) little b) few c) a little d) a few 16) The sun … in the east. a) rise b) rises c) to rise 17) Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения I wish to thank you and say good bye. a) You are welcome. b) Please, don’t leave me along. c) It’s 5 o’clock. d) Good bye! All the best! 18) I'm tired. I … go to bed. a) shall b) will c) I’d 19) There isn't a cloud in the sky, but it … cloudy in the morning. a) were b) was c) am d) are 20) I ... an e-mail now. a) am writing b) was writing c) is writing d) are writing


Ответ дал: Nika0mem

1. c)

2. b)

3. d)

4. c)

5. b)

6. c)

7. a)

8. a)  b)

9. c)


11. b)

12. a)





17. d)

18. b)

19. b)

20. a)


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