помогите пожалуйста!

1.The meeting (началось) at 5 o’ clock.
A) were beginning; B) was beginning; C) began; D) begin; E) to begin;
2. At 5 o’clock yesterday I (ехал) to the station to catch the 5.15 train.
A) was going; B) was gone; C) went; D) were going; E) gone;
3. When the academic year (закончится) we shall go to the country.
A) is over; B) will be over; C) will been over; D) be over; E) to be over;
4. Our family … next summer at the seaside.
will spend; B) will spent; C) will to spend; D) shall spent; E) shall spend;
5. When I came home my parents … .
were watching TV; B) will watch TV; C) are watching TV; D) watch TV;
E) watched TV;
6. Look out! You … to hit the child!
A) are go; B) were going; C) are going; D) will; E) going; Add the sentences:
7. I … going to visit Trafalgar Square. I like sightseeing.
A) was; B) are; C) is; D) am; E) been;
8. Be careful! That horse … kick you.
A) is going to; B) was going to; C) going; D) would; E) going to;
9. Look at the sky! It ... to snow.
A) is not going; B) were going; C) was going; D) are going; E) am going;
10.The weather … to change. Look at the clouds!
A) were going; B) to going; C) is going; D) was going; E) will;
11. We … to invite our neighbours to our wedding anniversary.
A) going; B) am going; C) is going; D) was going; E) are going;
12. You'd better take your umbrella. It …to rain.
A) is going; B) was going; C) be going; D) are going; E) am going;
13. Choose the right sentence:
A) I will always remember my school.
B) I will remember always my school.
C) Always I will remember my school.
D) I will remember my school always.
E) I always will remember my school.
Choose the right variant:
14. People in Kazakhstan celebrate … on March 22.
А)Republic Day; B) Nauryz; C) Longest day of the year; D) Independence Day;
E) Constitution Day;
15. What is Big Ben?А)
Clock; B) Museum; C) Theatre; D) University; E) Monument;


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