Put the words in brackets into the correct form.
1. … she (go) to Italy five years ago?
2. ... (be) a garage behind the hotel?
3. When (arrive) the train? It (arrive) at 12:30.
4. Where (be) the jurors? — They (retire) just to the courtroom to consider the verdict.
5. … you (not / go) out later?
6. ... the judge (pass) the sentence or ... the jury still (consider) the verdict?
7. The president (not / win) the election yesterday.
8. The clerk of the magistrates’ court (explain) some points of law to the justices of the peace when the reporter (come) into the court room.
9. I (do) my homework by 7 o’clock tomorrow.
10. I'm sorry I can't answer your question, I (not / listen).
11. How long (know) her? Oh, only for a couple of months.
12. Hi Jane, you (look) sad! What's up?
13. The weather forecast says the sun (shine) tomorrow.
14. Leif Ericson (discover) Vinland while he (sail) towards the west.
15 …. he (go) to the court every day?
16. Don't worry! When he (come) next time, we' (talk)


Ответ дал: srvrnarmetova61

1)went  2)was  3)arriving arrives 4) was  retired 5) do not you 6)passed consider 7)did not win

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