Complete the dialogues with the past simple or present perfect forms of the verbs in brackets.
1. A: Last summer, Anton ______ (go) to London with his class. They _____ (ride) the London Eye, _____ (enjoy) the Science Museum and _____ (walk) in Hyde Park. They _____ (take) lots a pictures. Would you like to see his photos?
B: I _____ (see) them. It ____ (be) amazing trip, ____n't it?
2 A: ______ you _____ (be) to Denis Matsuev's concert?
B: Not yet. But I _____ (be) lucky last Monday. I ____ (buy) some tickets for his next concert. Would you like to go with me?
A: I'd love to.
3. A: Maggie, I phone you on Saturday.
B: Sorry, I missed you.
A: _____ (be) you at home?
B: No, I _____ (take) my niece to the show for children. It _______ (be) such fun. Then _____ (have) lunch in the cafe.
A: I see. I _____ (go) to the show recently. And I liked it, too.
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Ответ дал: TimothyRus

1) went, rode, enjoyed, walked, took. I have already seen them.

2) Have you been, was, have bought.

3) phoned, did you stay, took, went, had, was, was.

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