Present perfect simple or present perfect continuous form of the verbs in brackets. 1 My brother _______________ (watch) television for hours. I think he should switch it off now. 2 Lewis _______________ (read) every poem by Emily Dickinson! 3 Shelly says she _______________ (like) boxing since she was little. 4 My sister is good at languages – she _______________ (pass) all her French and German exams. 5 ‘Your face is red. Have you got a temperature?’ ‘No, I _______________ (jog) in the park.’ 6 Jess and Paul _______________ (practise) tennis for several hours, and they still aren't tired. 7 ‘How long ________ it ________ (rain)?’ ‘Since last night.’ 8 I _______________ (had) this headache for hours. The medicine I took isn't helping at all. 9 What ________ you ________ (decide) to do about the party next week? 10 My parents _______________ (love) each other ever since they first met twenty years ago


Ответ дал: mariannka647

1. has been watching

2. has read

3. has liked

4. has passed

5. have jogged

6. have been practising

7. has it been raining

8. have had

9. have you decided

10. have loved

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