Exercise 3.
Put the verbs in brackets into correct form to express the future.
I think the weather _______ (to be) fine on Sunday.
Lisa has sold her car. I think she ________ (to buy) a bike.
How old _______ (you/to be) in 2050?
What time _______ (the show/begin)?
What _______ (you/to do) tomorrow evening?
These boxes are so heavy. _________ (you/to carry) them for me, please?
This lesson _______ (not/to end) at 11:30 but at 11:40.
This time tomorrow we _______ (to drive) to Moscow.
The students _______ (to write) their essays by the end of the week.
The steward says: “We_______ (to land) in London in about 20 minutes.”


Ответ дал: nunny

I think the weather _______ (will be) fine on Sunday.

Lisa has sold her car. I think she ________ (is going to buy) a bike.

How old _______ (will you be) in 2050?

What time _______ (will the show/begin)?

What _______ (are you doing) tomorrow evening?

These boxes are so heavy. _________ (Will you carry) them for me, please?

This lesson _______ (does not end) at 11:30 but at 11:40.

This time tomorrow we _______ (shall be driving) to Moscow.

The students _______ (will have written) their essays by the end of the week.

The steward says: “We_______ (are landing) in London in about 20 minutes.”

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