Раскройте скобки, поставьте заключенные в них глаголы в Present Simple или Future Simple.
1. I (to write) an official letter next month.
2. My little sister (to sleep) very well.
3. My friends (not to do) their homework usually. They (to play) volleyball.
4. She (to cook) a big dinner tomorrow.
5. She (not to read) often.
6. He (to go) to school every morning.
7. The British (to love) tea.
8. Why she (to cry) so often?


Ответ дал: alina200000602
1.I will write an official letter next month 2.My little sister sleeps very well 3.My friends don’t do their homework usually.They play volleyball. 4. She will cook a big dinner tomorrow. 5. She doesn’t read often 6. He goes to school every morning 7.The British love tea 8. Why does she cry very often?
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