ОТВЕТИТЕ НА ВОПРОСЫ ПО КНИГЕ АЛИСА В СТРАНЕ ЧУДЕС 1) What is the name of Alice’s cat? 2) What are the colours of Alice’s dress? 3) Which animal does Alice follow into Wonderland? 4) What happened to Alice when she drank from the bottle? 5) How does Alice get into Wonderland? 6) What game does Alice play? 7) Are there any evil characters in Wonderland? 8) Who is the most interesting or unusual character of Wonderland for you and why?


Ответ дал: stoan264

1. The cat s name was Cheshire Cat. 2. The colour of Alice s dress was blue. 3.Alice follows the rabbit. 4.After she drank from the bottle she became taller.      

5.Alice opened the key to the wonderland. 6. They played croquet. 7.Yes, they are. 8. I believe that the most unusual character in this tale was the white rabbit. Because he carries a watch in his pocket and his house is clean and wears the name B. Rabbit.

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