Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense form and voice.
1)- _____ they_____ still ( to work) in the garden?
_ No, the work ________ ( to finish) already.
2)-______ the tickets ________ ( to book) yet?
-Yes they ___________ ( to deliver ) in an hour.
3) - When ________ this zoo _______ ( to found ) ?
- It _______ ( to found ) fifty years ago.


Ответ дал: MaryFairy211

1)- Are  they still working in the garden?

- No, the work has been finished already.

2)- Have the tickets been booked yet?

- Yes they will be delivered in an hour.

3) - When was this zoo founded ?

- It was founded fifty years ago.

Ответ дал: tyur679

1) Are  they still working , has been finished

2) have been the tickets booked , will be delivered

3)was this zoo founded, was founded

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