Опишите 2 людей любых пж очень надо


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Ответ дал: tandom516

G) This is a man. He has dark skin. His hair is short and black. He has a wide nose and full lips.He is wearing a white T-shirt.

I) This is a woman. She has fair skin. Her hair is blond. She has big eyes with long eyelashes, a small nose and full lips. She's wearing a turtleneck.

Ответ дал: masha181105
1) (А) It's a blonde with short hair. She wears glasses. She has a long nose and thin lips. She wears a coat.
Перевод: Это блондинка с короткими волосами. Она носит очки. У нее длинный нос и тонкие губы. Она носит пальто.

2) (G) This man has dark skin and a wide nose. He has plump lips and moustache, as well as long ears.
Перевод: У этого человека темная кожа и широкий нос. У него пухлые губы и усы, а также длинные уши
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