Выберите соответствующую форму глагола (Present Simple, Future Simple, Past Simple). 1. There … a telegram on the table. a) is b) are c) was 2. I …. golf in the morning. a) play b) plays c) played 3. It … warm in two days. a) is b) will be c) will 4. The boys … cry. a) do b) do not c) does not 5. I … English courses when I was twelve. a) taken b) took c) take 6. .… Ann have a rest in Crimea every summer? a) does…have b) do…have c) did…had 7. I ….. to Germany two years ago. a) gone b) go c) went 8. Oh! Our fridge is empty. I’ll go and buy some food. a) ‘ll go b) go c) went


Ответ дал: marchenkomargar

1-a 2- c 3-b 4 c 5 b 6 a 7 c 8 a

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