Помогите пожалуйста!
Напишите пожалуйста письмо другу по переписке на английском..
Путешествие во Владивосток, поездом.
Пожалуйста до завтра надо!!


Ответ дал: jiminshia95

Dear friend, on this beautiful day I want to write to you about that I missed you very much. We cannot see this moment, but someday we will see each other and it will be very soon.I still remember the day of our acquaintance, I don’t forget this moment. Thanks to you, I have changed, I became more different. My pen-friend, it's not so bad. I love you, see you soon.

fanna00: А можешь ещё добавить, как ехала в поезде, цель путешествия, что я делала и заключение... Пожалуйста
fanna00: Надо написать ему о своем Путешествии во Владивосток..
jiminshia95: Конечно))
fanna00: Жду))
jiminshia95: My friend, I want to tell you about my unforgettable journey to Vladivostok, I am here for the first time and cannot be put into words by my senses. I want to walk everywhere to go to restaurants, cafes, cinemas, museums, I want to have a lot of things in a week.I always dreamed of seeing Vladivostok, but alas, I have never been to Vladivostok, now my childhood dream came true, my friend, it came true.I want to scream about it, I'm so happy.
fanna00: Спасибо))
fanna00: А можешь ещё про поезд добавить, как я добиралась?
jiminshia95: Конечно))
jiminshia95: On December 18, there was heavy snowfall, it was very cold. Our train was warm, there were 4 beds in my car, I slept from below. I got well, it was a bit unusual, and so everything is fine.I was greeted by my comrades. I was very pleased to tell you this dear friend
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