Составить по два приложения present perfect, past simple, present perfect


Ответ дал: 4cruel

1 John has broken a vase in the living room. They have been teachers since 1999 (present perfect)

2 He watched the football match with his brother yesterday. Last year Tom gave his wife a new car (past simple)

какие еще? снова present perfect?

shakirovaalfiya2: мог бы написать 2 е предл. в Present Simple
Ответ дал: shakirovaalfiya2

I  played football. I  didn't sing the songs. это Past simple

I have brought the car. She has not  lost my keys.Present perfect

He go to school. We don't  do this. если это Present  simple

shakirovaalfiya2: там ты два раза написала present perfect но если что я написала present simple
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