Нужна помощь с переводом с русского на английский (задание на времена)
Переводчики переводят неправильно(я проверял ;-)



Ответ дал: Moralies

1. Many people like travelling.

2. It's raining.

3. Have you ever seen the sunrise in the mountains?

4. We are waiting for him already whole week.

5. Last yesr they bought a new house.

6. When I came, she was playing the piano.

7. Nobody knew what happened to him.

8. He has been teaching English already for 10 year when we met.

9. He is coming in 2 days.

10. In summer he will work with new play.

11. We will have translated this article by 5 o'clock.

12. In 15 minutes it will be 2 hours since we are writing this test. (насчет этого у меня сомнения, но мозг упорно не выдает лучшего варианта))

Moralies: 5. last year*
8. 10 years*
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