Написать сочинение на английском языке про мой лицей, мои обязанности в нем и почему я его люблю, 22 придложения


Ответ дал: xpomosoma47

So. I tried to find something interesting. I read a lot of stories about archives, executables and more that have been found on this site. Archived anatar. He weighed 3mb. So, I unpacked the archive and decided to see what was in it. I saw there 4 files with the names s1-s4. Web page shortcut, video, exe-file and picture. I started in order - with s1. In this picture, not a damn thing is clear. Immediately obvious - the schoolboy indulged with the effects of Photoshop. Then silk web page labels. This was a link to the file on "rghost". I downloaded it, opened it. A hum is heard on the recording, a knock is heard, a melody plays from 10 seconds, which is gradually distorted and then disappears. At some moments a strange whistle is heard. At the end there are 2 minutes of heavy, metallic sound, which is not described in the middle. It seemed to me that this is something that wants to crush my head. I immediately came to my senses. Next - the video. I can not, so better you see it yourself. Then came the exe file. I opened it in a virtual machine (virtual box). Windows (inside the virtual machine, of course) restarted ... After restarting, all files were deleted, the desktop wallpaper on the s1.jpg screen, the task manager did not open, the task manager was locked ... In general, I received a pussy, It's good that I opened the executable on a virtual box, and not on my computer. I quickly deleted the archive.

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