Ask me some questions about the theare performance i have lately seen.
5 вопросов надо


Ответ дал: 27270

1. What kind of art do you enjoy most? Why?

2. Ask me some questions about the theatre performance i have lately seen.

3. Give me a piece of advice on what architectural monuments are worth visiting in Belarus.

4. Pablo Picasso said: "every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once you grow up." What do you think about it?

Я так поняла.

kimigonumberone: Нет. Надо учителю задать 5 вопросов на тему выступления которое недавно посмотрели.
Ответ дал: p0tat0es

1) What was the theatre performance about?

2) Did you like the theatre performance?

3) What was your favourite part?

4) In what row where you sitting?

5) Would you like to see it again?

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