≥1≥ Change Active voice into Passive in these sentences. 1. I bought potatoes yesterday. ________________________________________________________________ 2. We shall bring the books tomorrow. __________________________________________________________ 3. They are repairing the clock now. ____________________________________________________________ 4. They sell milk in this shop. _________________________________________________________________ 5. I have translated the whole text. _____________________________________________________________ 6. They broke the window last week. ___________________________________________________________ 7. He has not cleaned the mess in his room yet.____________________________________________________ 8. When will we receive this week’s report from the sales department?__________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ 9. Dr. Getz is performing the operation at the moment._______________________________________________ 10. I bought the device as soon as I had received the premium._________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________


Ответ дал: lenakv26

1.  Potatoes were bought by me yesterday.

2. The books shall brought by us yesterday.

3. The clock are being repaired by them now.

4. Milk is sold in this shop.

5. The whole text was translated by me.

6. The window was broken last week.

7. The mess has not been cleaned in his room yet.

8. When will the weekly report be received from the sales department?

9. The operation is beeing perfomed by Dr. Getz at the moment.

10. The device was bought by me as soon as I received an award

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