Поставьте предложения в отрицательную форму

1) Charlie has got three big dogs.
2) Her sisters have got Italian books.
3) My mother has got a sister.
4) Your brothers have got good computers.
5) Henry has got a new car.
6) Our grandfather has got a deer.
7) Julia and Carol have got big dogs.
8) I have got a new red and white bicycle.
9) We have got a house in the country


Ответ дал: detrainn
Charlie has not got three big dods
Her sistes haven't got Italian books
My mother hasn't got a sister
Your brother's haven't got good ...
Henry hasn't got....
Our grandfather hasn't got
Julia and Carol haven't got ...
I haven't got a new...
We haven't got a house....
Там где точки там просто продолжение
Ответ дал: LiliEt
1) has not got
2)have not got
3)has not got
4)have not got
5)has not got
6)has not got
7)have not got
8)have not got
9)have not got
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