Помогите, пожалуйста)

5. Вставьте глагол to have или to be в нужной форме.

1. Britain ... a large population of nearly 58 million.
2. Last year their son … 26 so he
… 27 now.
3. Britain ... about 10 million old people. In the future it ... the increasing number of the elderly.
4. Every university college … its own building, its own staff and students.
5. Today the weather … but yesterday it … cold.
6. Every country … its customs.
7. Don’t buy those shoes. They …
too expensive.
8. He … a considerable library of scientific books for those days.

9. We … a new apartment soon.
10.We must go now. It … very late.


Ответ дал: JasonToy
1. has
2. was / is
3. has / will be
4. has
5. isn't / was
6. has
7. are
8. had
9. will have
10. is
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