Переведите предложения в косвенную речь .Пожалуйста помогите , срочно надо !
a) "I see that you're a very old man ",he said
b) "Yes,I am . I'm 90 ," the old man replied.
c) "Could you give the children here some advice about a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle? " Mr Small asked
d) "Sure. Follow my example. Don't smoke , don't drink ,don't eat too much sugar or fat and drink lots of water."
e)" How old are you , sir ?" Dr Foamasked.


Ответ дал: nunny

a) He said that he saw it was a very old man.

b) The old man confurmed that he was 90.

c) Mr Small asked if the children could be given there some advice about a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle.

d) He/she advise them to follow his/her example not smoking, not drinking and not eating too much sugar or fat and drinking lots of water.

e) Dr Foam asked the man about his age.

Аноним: Доброго времени суток) Буду рад,если поможете:https://znanija.com/task/30999922
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