1. Вставьте артикли (a, an, the) где необходимо:
1) His Friends have got ... cat and ... dog, ... dog never bites ... cat.
2) We are at ... school.
3) There is ... big house.
4) Do you play ... guitar? - Yes, I do.
5) English men like play ... footbal
6) ... Astrakhan is our hometown
7) ... United Kingdom consists of ... Great Britain and ... Northern Ireland.
8) When ... moon goes down and ... sun comes up in ... sky, ... earth looks its best.
9) There is ... canal called ... . Moscow-Volga.
10) This is ... film. ... film is very interesting.

2. Поставьте предложения в прошедшем времени:
1) Children can play hockey very well.
2) I have five classes on Monday.
3) The weather is fine today.
4) My sister does her homework every evening.

3. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Perfect или Past Simple.
1) You ever (to see) the eruption of a volcano?
a) have you ever seen, b) have yon ever see, c) have you seen ever.
2) He (not to eat) yesterday.
a) didn't eat, b) didn't ate, c) hasn't eaten.
3) You (to play) the piano yesterday?
a) have you play, b) did you play, c) did you played.
4)You (to play) the piano today?
a) did you play, b) have you played, c) you have played.


Ответ дал: manushak13

1. a,a,the,the










Ответ дал: sherin10905

1.Children could play

2.I had

3. The weather was

4.did her homework yesterday evening

1. Have you ever

2. Didn't eat

3.Did you play?

sherin10905: извините я не смогла ответить на последний вопрос
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