Ask the questions according to the model.
I've already had lunch. (you)
Have you had yours?
1. Anne has already taken her holidays. (he) 2. We've already finished our work. (they) 3. They've already done their shopping. (you) 4. Pete has already repaired his TV-set. (we) 5. Steve has already found his pen. (she) 6. She's already written her test. (he) 7. He has met his parents. (they) 8. I have finished my book this month. (you) 9. Alan hasn't had his breakfast. (she) 10. Martin has already washed his clothes. (we)



Ответ дал: awesome28
1) Has he taken his?
2) Have they finished their.
3) Have you done yours?
4) Have we prepared ours?
5) Has she found her?
6) Has he written his?
7) Have they met their?
8) Have you finished yours?
9) Has she had her?
10) Have we washed ours?
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