Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильный инфинитив или герундий. 1. A: Have you decided where to spend (spend) your holiday, B: Yes. I would like …… (go) to a Greek island. 2. A: I hate …… (clean) the house. B: Me too. I wish I could afford …… (employ) a cleaner. 3. A: Jane seems …… (sleep) for hours. B: Yes. She must …… (be) very tired. 4. A: What are you doing this weekend?


Ответ дал: MaryFairy211

1. A: Have you decided where to spend your holiday? B: Yes. I would like to go to a Greek island. 2. A: I hate cleaning the house. B: Me too. I wish I could afford to employ a cleaner. 3. A: Jane seems to sleep for hours. B: Yes. She must be very tired. 4. A: What are you doing this weekend?

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