Помогите плиз 29 балов complete the story with the correct past tense form of the verbs in brackets.Sometimes I hate computers! Once, when I 1 (try) to do my English homework on my laptop, the battery 2 (run out). I 3 (lie) on my bed and I was listening to music on Spotify. It helps me to concentrate. I 4 also (chat) to my friend Daniel on Facebook. OK, so I 5 (not concentrate) very hard on my homework and I 6 (forget) to plug in my laptop! I didn’t notice that the battery was getting low. I was just finishing the essay when the screen 7 (go) black. I 8 (lose) everything. I 9 (scream) in frustration. My dad 10 (come) running into my bedroom. I 11 almost (cry) so he 12 (give) me his laptop. I 13 (try) to remember everything in my essay – it 14 (be) quite difficult especially because Daniel was sending me lots of funny videos. Anyway, while I was watching one, the WiFi stopped working. In the end it was probably better because I 15 (manage) to finish the essay.


Ответ дал: knuar
1. Was trying
2. Ran out
3. Was lying
4. Was also chatting
5. Was not concentrating
6. Forgot
7. Went
8. Lost
9. Screamed
10. Came
11. Was almost crying
12. Gave
13. Was trying
14. Was
15. Managed
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