III. Заполните пропуски в предложениях правильной формой глагола.
1. Our lessons usually…two hours (last, lasts, are lasting).
2. They ….the question now. (discuss, discussing, are discussing).
3. He … at the factory last year (worked, had worked, was working).
4. She … the work already (does, has done, did).
5. My friend … your questions next week. (answer, answered, will answer).
6. My sister … out of luck yesterday (is, was, will be).
7. We … all night long yesterday (talked, were talking, had talked).
8. I always … bread at this shop (buy, am buying, be buying).


Ответ дал: MaryFairy211

1 last

2 are discussing

3 worked

4 has done

5 will answer

6 was

7 talked

8 buy

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