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Here are some snack facts that will surprise you. Many people get great 1) .....(enjoy) from crunching a tub of popcorn while watching the latest blockbuster film. Well, maybe now they’ll enjoy it even more! Plain popcorn has always been known as a low-calorie food, but some 2) .....(research) are now claiming that it contains higher levels of antioxidants than fruit. Antioxidants are great for our health because they help to fight 3) .....(harm) molecules that damage cells. They can help protect against heart disease and cancer. Some scientists are even describing this 4) .....(nutrition) grain as ’the perfect snack food’. As well as containing vitamins and minerals, popcorn is also low in fat and high in fibre as it is a completely 5) .....(nature) wholegrain food. Be careful how you eat it, though. 6) .....(fortunate) , popcorn isn’t such a healthy snack if it has butter, salt or caramel all over it!


Ответ дал: knuar
1. Enjoyment; 2. Researchers; 3. Harmful; 4. Nutritious; 5. Natural; 6. Unfortunately
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